Venha para o
Economize até 95% na sua conta de luz
investindo em energia limpa,
renovável e sustentável
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Projects Completed In Last 5 Years
Happy Customers Who Trusted Us
Go Solar, Go Eco-Friendly
Solar Spark purchased 10 acres of farmland in Southeast Virginia to create a solar farm that produces 400KW of electricity. We aim to help everyone access affordable, sustainable, clean solar-powered energy.
Together with your help, we can lower carbon footprints than ever before & create a better world for us & generations to come.
Together with your help, we can lower carbon footprints than ever before & create a better world for us & generations to come.
Eco Friendly Services
Team Solar Spark is the best-in-class products & solutions. We offer clean energy maintenance
with organic & eco-friendly services.
Renewable Energy Is The Future
Using renewable energy for your house's electricity and heating is an excellent way to minimize your carbon footprint, make your home more sustainable, and perhaps cut your energy expenses. The benefits are undeniably substantial.